20 December 2006

iProject Day Three
25Nov 2006

So now its about the same thing everyday when we're here in Sapa. Morning would be construction for about 3 to 4hours. Followed by teaching and interacting in the afternoon after lunch for about 2hours. For the construction, it seems that everyone is very hardworking at it and had the persevering spirit. We were so hardworking that the teachers were afraid we were too exhausted working hard. So they insisted on takign breaks. For me I didn't want to take a break until im tired. Besides, if i stop, i wudn't want to get up and continue working. haha. so once i lied =X about taking a break to one of the teacher. hehe. but i took a mini break about an hour later. =)

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On day 2, i tore down their hostel furniture n removed the wooden planks. Then i went outside to level the ground by digging the rocks. So today i continued leveling the ground. We found more huge rocks underneath and so we had to excavate it out. No joke okay! And of course they're damn heavy. We had to first use different sort of spades to dig around it and loosen the soil. Once the soil is loosen we hafta dig it out and try to move the big rock. Slowly but surely we got it out by making use of the first class lever system whereby the fulcrum is in the middle and we just had to add force downwards. Oh and thanks for the big and long bamboo!

So we had our lunch. Today we had packed lunch; 1hard boiled egg, 2 baguette(one with cheese), 1packet of yoghurt, 1orange, 1cheese, some vege and tomatoes. Yea thats all. It just taste alright. Nothing marvelous. Then we played with the kids. haha. some of them were shy. most actually. but i rmb playing hide n seek with 2 vietnamese kids. my god they can play hide n seek the whole day n not gte sick of it.haha!

And then its time for ENGLISH LESSON! This would be my first time to teach about 20eager Vietnamese students on the language. I had fun. seriously.

Lesson 1.1:

Red --- Orange --- White --- Black --- Pink --- Purple --- Blue --- Green --- Yellow
ok class read for me. what is this?(points to every word)
rage --- oh-range --- whait --- be Lack --- pink --- per pearl --- be ler oo --- grinch --- yea Low

now THATS what i call ENGLISH!

Lesson 1.2:

The shirt is blue
what is this (points to every word in the sentence)
Zhe jhert is be-lu

bravo BRAVA! =)

haha dats funny..they have a bit of zhe french accent..they use to be a french colony u see

so we went back to our hotel, washed up and prepare for dinner.

before we went for dinner, we walked around the streets for some shopping and went back to put down our stuff. While waiitng for the meeting time, hafeez, arshad n i meet 3 ADORABLE tribal girls who talked to us. I was amazed at their competence int he English language given their age n education standard in school. So we talked n talked. I found out that all 3 are cousins and that they live in Lao Cai. Tonite was their last night in Sapa and they would be returning to Lao Cai tmrw. So let me guess..they walked to Lao Cai?! OMG we took about an hour an a half for a van ride and they're WALKING home? geesh strong people. I was quite sad i didn't take a picture with them. I only remembered one of the girl's name. Sunh. i think thats how u spell cuz THATS how u pronounce it =) i just hope they wud still be there until after dinner

Today's dinner was at this restaurant called Nature's. Its very nice i think. VERY cosy. So those taking the vegetarian meal were segregated from the rest. Sadly? Not at all!

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NUMBER ONE: 8 of us got to sit together and we were comfortable
NUMEBR TWO: we played chap chili chap with crappy gestures
NUMBER THREE: we got dishes no one else had like omelette and fruit curry

i LOVE the fruit curry. its a hot dish with fruits like watermelon, pineapple and banana in a mild curry sauce. I kept on tasting the curry sauce to investigate the ingredients. Guess im not as expert as my late aunty. But if im not wrong i tasted a bit of curry(DUH) , cream and thousand island. Sounds like a weird combination BUT bottomline its NICE. seriously. I kept on eating till i burn my tongue slightly cuz its still hot. OH n did i mention about the Vietnamese springrolls? Its superb! We ate vegetable springrolls by dipping it in the light soya sauce and put the WHOLE thing in the mouth. Its not that big if your thinking of Old Chang Kee's springrolls. It just about the length of your index finger.

AND THEN.....the finale for the coursed dinner is a BIRTHDAY CAKE! Happy birthday Hui Min! Last year for Mission 45 someone celebrated his/her birthday in Thailand. So now's iProject's turn! The teachers ordered a cake and we got THREE CAKES. u noe why? they considered a 3 tiered cake as one. So yea.. We ate one or two, gave some to the restaurant's customers and gave the last one to the TaVan students.

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No sign of Sunh and her cousins when we returned. how sad...

goodnite vietnam

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